Monday 23 April 2012

My science ACE and my term test

  This term I opted for science ACE. The science ACE category comprised on 1 science trip reflection, and a brochure about how gas masks work. For the science trip, I decided to visit Singapore Science Centre with my friends.

Here is are a few screenshots of my science ACE field trip report.

The science trip was very fun and interesting. It did not change a bit since I last visited it when I was primary 3. However, I could re experience many interesting scientific facts. The best part of Science Centre was that you can try out the different tools and learn how it works by yourself, instead of just watching it and trying to learn. My friends and I had a lot of fun there, and hence, it was an interesting experience. 

Here are screenshots of a brochure I made about how gas mask works. 

Overall, I think I did a pretty good job in the brochures since I made a lot of research and tried to explain as much details as possible. The brochure was quite informative- although the brochure is quite short, around 4 pages, I managed to squeeze the details inside, without missing any of them. It was a difficult thing to do, but through this experience I learnt how to effectively use words and summarize long passages into simple, yet detailed paragraphs. This topic itself was quite interesting. It involved many chemical procedures, and the best part was I could link this topic, to biology. The gas mask gets rid of the unwanted substances by filtering. The filter is very fine and have a large surface area, so that it can catch more unwanted substances. I could recall a similar method being used in biology, inside our own body. The villi in our intestines, the air sacs in our lungs and the taste buds on our tongue all uses this method. I was fascinated to learn that science is all linked to each other, to a certain extent. This topic itself may seem like chemistry, but it can actually be seen as biology in some extent too. 

<Term test>
To start with, I am not really happy about my science grade in term 3. I just got the marks to get an A2, which is very unfortunate for me since I wanted to get an exemption for EOY exams. This term's test topics were chemistry and mirrors, reflections and refractions. I believe that the reflection and refraction part was generally okay: I did not get a lot wrong. However, it was chemistry that took all my marks. This test was really hard. There were chemical equations that I never saw before, and thermal decomposition? Did I even learn it? What about the chemical equation for critic acid CH3COO3 and nitrate? I was so confused during the test, and therefore, I didn't get the marks that I wanted to get. Overall, my class did not do so greatly as well, but I was really regretful about how I did not study enough for atoms and ions. If not, my chance of getting exemption was still there. After this experience, I promised myself never to be overly complacent (After reading the notes once I was confident that I could do well for this term test), as well as to study this topic more carefully and thoroughly next time during the End Of Year paper. 

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